Sunday, 23 February 2014

Joe Hockey's Body!

Joe Hockey's Body!

 “ The shadow treasurer said he could not accept the Government’s plan to send asylum seekers to Malaysia without proper human rights protections.
   I will never ever support a people swap where you can send a 13-year-old child unaccompanied to a country without supervision,” he said.
    “Never. It’ll be over my dead body.”
Should we have spent the last few months looking for Joe’s body? Or was it just the TRADE aspect that he objected to? After all, that’s the sort of weasel words we’ve come to expect from politicians. Something like, I never said that I wouldn’t accept unaccompanied minors to another country, I said I wouldn’t accept a people swap where that happened."
excerpt from Rossleigh Brisbane

Joe's Emotional Hysteria

Joe's Emotional Hysteria

"Running out of money? What an incredibly stupid thing for Joe Hockey to say. The Health cost for the nation is set to increase from $65 billion to $75 billion in three years and this is the reason he says we are running out of money. Really? After what we have witnessed from this government over the past six months I think it’s time Joe realised we are now less likely to fall for this kind of emotional hysteria without hard evidence. We live in an educated society. Unlike the days of Robert Menzies where the ‘reds under the beds’ tactic of the Liberal Party was played out so successfully, today our politicians need to be reminded that we are a thinking nation. Well, most of us."
excerpt from article by John Kelly

Friday, 21 February 2014

The Inequity of Inequality

The Inequity of Inequality

Article by John Lord

"The problem is the politics.

In Australia, although not yet at the same level as the US,
inequality is manifesting itself in a similar fashion. At the end of
Peter Costello’s tenure as treasurer he was asked why the rich had
become 7% richer. His answer was to say that at least the poor had not
become poorer.

The present treasurer bumbling Joe Hockey has said that.

“The bottom line is we have to lift the tide so that all boats rise,”

This is akin to Thatchers.

‘’The poor will be looked after by the drip down effect from the rich’’

Time has proven this a nonsense. So will Hockey’s.

The government’s actions since the election have been anything but an
attempt to bridge the gap. To the contrary there has been an
unashamedly concerted effort to take from those less well of (there is
no need for me to list them) and give to the rich. And all indications
suggest that this will continue with unabated irrationally."

Excerpt from John Lord's Article

Things we CAN afford.

Things we CAN afford.

Article by Kaye Lee

I know times are tough and that we will all have to tighten our belts (well so the government keeps telling me).  The list of things we can’t afford grows longer and more depressing every day.
But take heart.  The list of things we can afford is also growing.
We can afford to spend $9.5 billion over the next four years locking innocent people up in offshore detention camps (though that figure might lower as we kill them off).
We can afford to use a naval flotilla to ward off a few fishing boats.  Under Operation Sovereign Borders two frigates, seven patrol boats and numerous Customs vessels will patrol the seas between Christmas Island and Ashmore Reef and Indonesia.  Anzac Class frigates cost about $207,000-a-day to operate compared with $40,000-a-day for Armidale Class Patrol boats.
We can afford orange life rafts which cost about $50,000 each to leave on Indonesian beaches after one use each.
We can afford to make a gift of two patrol boats to the Sri Lankan Navy and even spend $ 2 million refurbishing them first.  Tiger shooting anyone?
We can afford $14 billion in fossil fuel subsides over the next four years because Lord knows they need our help.
We can afford to give $3 billion to the worst polluting companies.  This is not to save or create jobs, it’s a handout so they can upgrade their factories and lower their bills.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Joe Hockey's 'hidden cuts' press conference: in full

Joe Hockey lying before the elections and still continues to lie to date.


"Australia will run out of money to pay for Medicare and its welfare and education systems unless the Abbott government takes a harder look at costs, says Treasurer Joe Hockey."

"The Treasurer flagged that other programs, including the aged pension for people over 65, were also overdue for review and would have to be examined.
The pension was introduced in the 1950s when life expectancy was 55, but Mr Hockey said costs had ballooned with the average lifespan stretching today to 85."